I’m Dr Edmore (Eddie) Mahembe, PhD. I’m a pastor, development economist, researcher, entrepreneur, education activist and a socio-economic development advocate. One common theme runs through all these roles: the importance of education in social development and economic upliftment.
I’m passionate about collaborating with committed individuals and stakeholders to create meaningful educational opportunities for young people in Africa, and removing barriers to access to early childhood development (ECD), primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.
I believe that we have a shared responsibility to educate our young people. Only in this way can they fulfill their potential and give back to their communities. I believe that real development only happens when we invest in people, especially the young.

My vision
I believe that education is the surest way to escape out of poverty for an individual, family, community or nation. Socio-economic development should be anchored on access to good quality education for all.
My dream is big enough to keep me up at night and make me jump out of the bed in the morning
Let’s connect
I look forward to engaging with you and sharing ideas.
Cell/WhatsApp: +27 (0)60 532 8754 (South Affrica) /
+263 (0)78 572 1343 (Zimbabwe)
Cell/WhatsApp: +27 (0)60 532 8754 (South Affrica) /
+263 (0)78 572 1343 (Zimbabwe)